Alternative Title:
My Hero Academia (English)
This story is about a boy named Izuku Midoriya (aka Deku) who aspires to be a hero from childhood. Although being born in a world of superpower where about more than 80% of the population possess Quirks, a newly discovered super powers, Deku was born quirkless. Despite of this, he aspires to be a hero. By meeting his popular idol All Might whom he aspires, deku gets some light into his future. All Might's unique ability can be inherited, and he choses Midoriya as his successor.
Enduring months of training, Midoriya's dream finally comes into reality and he enrolls in UA High, a prestigious high school famous for excellent hero training program. Getting the quirk of all might, Midoriya emabraks into the journey of being the most most powerful hero.
Genres: Action, Comedy, School, Superpower, Shounen
Duration: 24 min/ep
Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Licensors: Funimation
Studios: Bones
User rating as per Myanimelist: 8.43 score (by 482,218 users and 747,270 Members)
Source: MAL(Myanimelist)
My Hero Academia (English)
This story is about a boy named Izuku Midoriya (aka Deku) who aspires to be a hero from childhood. Although being born in a world of superpower where about more than 80% of the population possess Quirks, a newly discovered super powers, Deku was born quirkless. Despite of this, he aspires to be a hero. By meeting his popular idol All Might whom he aspires, deku gets some light into his future. All Might's unique ability can be inherited, and he choses Midoriya as his successor.
Enduring months of training, Midoriya's dream finally comes into reality and he enrolls in UA High, a prestigious high school famous for excellent hero training program. Getting the quirk of all might, Midoriya emabraks into the journey of being the most most powerful hero.
Genres: Action, Comedy, School, Superpower, Shounen
Duration: 24 min/ep
Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Licensors: Funimation
Studios: Bones
User rating as per Myanimelist: 8.43 score (by 482,218 users and 747,270 Members)
Source: MAL(Myanimelist)
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